Recent Updates in SLI Course Catalog

1. Only courses added or updated since the beginning of the current term are listed below from most recent to the oldest.
2. Please bookmark this page so you can check it frequently.
3. Click on the course title to register.
Health and Better Living - Let's Talk About Eating for Health 1 - Added 9/13/24Howard Fri, 9/20/24 21:30 PM3:00 PM $7.50
This course is a continuation of Let's Talk About Food. Each week we will view a lecture by Julia Nordgren, MD from her course, Eat for Your Health: Simple Science and Fantastic Flavor. She is a clinical instructor of Pediatrics at Stanford Medicine and a graduate of the Culinary Institute of America. Her lectures explain the truth about how nutrients work in the human body, and teach the basic cooking skills that will allow you to create healthy and delicious meals in your kitchen at home. During each week we will talk about our experience with the types of ingredients and meals Dr. Nordgren demonstrates. Of course there will be opportunities to share recipes and tastings.
History and Geography - Scotland and Ireland: Cinderella Countries from Overshadowed to Celebrated - Added 9/12/24Coffey Thu, 9/19/24 61:30 PM3:00 PM $22.50
Despite centuries of struggles, strife, and subjugation by Britain, Scotland and Ireland in have blossomed into advanced small countries (each size of Indiana) whose ideas, culture and diasporas have spread around the world - the sun never sets on a Scot or Irish. Scotland rose from Europe’s poorest and backward nation to become the driving wheel of modern progress. Ireland, after centuries British colonization, potato famines, & partition, has become a Celtic Tiger – hi-tech country #2 world in per capita GDP and economic freedom.
Special Event - SLI Board Meeting - Added 9/10/24Howard Fri, 9/27/24 110:00 AM12:00 PM $0.00
Special Event - Sli Board Meeting - Added 9/10/24Howard Fri, 11/22/24 110:00 AM12:00 PM $0.00
Health and Better Living - Oshkosh Airshow - Just Plane Fun and Educational - Added 8/17/24Howard Fri, 10/4/24 210:30 AM12:00 PM $7.50
Any pilot or aviation enthusiast will know the following equation: OSH = AirVenture = EAA. We will explain: 1) why the World's Biggest Aviation Event is located at Oshkosh, WI, which is otherwise known for blue jeans and fire trucks, and 2) why its 7-day run is needed to truly experience it. AirVenture is an adventure in itself, meeting people, daily & 2 night airshows, learning aviation history and its role in winning wars and technology advancements (NASA, anyone?), extraordinary stories of heroes, building, restoration, recruitment, and so much more. EAA stands for Experimental Aircraft Association and we will explain why it is called Experimental -- we get asked that a lot. Join Donna Robinson and me for pictures, videos and conversations with celebrities and everyday folks who just enjoy airplanes.
Health and Better Living - Final Wishes For a Sustainable Future - Added 8/15/24Grove Wed, 12/4/24 11:30 PM3:00 PM $0.00
Serving fourteen years as the first certified conservation cemetery in Florida, This informative presentation byPrairie Creek Conservation Cemetery will explore how natural burial can be a healing choice for the land and loved ones. Come learn how this conservation cemetery has worked to restore the native landscape and reunite people with the Earth, and has cultivated a death positive community passionate about reducing our environmental impact and fulfilling the final wishes of our loved ones in a natural way.
Health and Better Living - Human Brain Adaptation and Potential - Added 8/14/24Stephens Fri, 11/1/24 310:00 AM12:00 PM $15.00
The human brain is remarkable in its ability to extract information from the environment and its adaptability when stressed or damaged. This adaptability characteristic is known as neuroplasticity. As we grow older it is less effective but can be maintained with brain stimulation, exercise, diet and social contact. In this course we will present the results of new research and developments which allow us to understand the structure, functions and evolution of the brain at the micro level. We will examine how memory and problem solving take place for younger, older, autistic people and geniuses. We will also evaluate what happens when the brain is damaged or subjected to dementia and methods for maintaining or restoring brain function.
Literature and Language - What You Never Knew About Our Language 1 - Added 8/7/24Howard Mon, 9/30/24 410:30 AM12:00 PM $15.00
This course is the first in a series of 3 courses. It includes lectures by Professors John McWhorter (Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths of Language Usage) and Natalie Schilling (English in America). You will learn, for example, why are there traces of Scots-Irish in American English? Or, what are the roots of African American English, and how different is it from other varieties of American English? In this course we will examine English from a little bit of a distance, so we can better understand how strange, illogical, whimsical, and beautiful it really is.
Science and Technology - Survival in Space I - Added 8/7/24Bunker Wed, 10/2/24 310:30 AM12:00 PM $11.25
This course is the first of two. Space is out to kill you. The vacuum of space is the least of your worries, though, since just getting there requires surviving explosions powerful enough to escape Earth’s gravity—the rocket launch. Once you arrive, you will be weightless, which has its own array of health risks. Space is also saturated with radiation, including high-energy cosmic rays that can penetrate the hull of any spacecraft. Returning to Earth is not just a launch in reverse. This time, you must survive reentry temperatures hot enough to melt steel.
Health and Better Living - Quantum Casino: An Old Card Game in New Garb - Added 8/7/24Reid Wed, 12/4/24 210:30 AM12:00 PM $7.50
Casino is a simple card game for 2–4 players. Whether or not you have played the childrens game Casino, you may be interested in learning a challenging version we are calling Quantum Casino (Quantum because some cards change numerical value depending on their location). This is Casino on steroids. Join us for fun and fellowship.

*Senior Learners, Inc., sponsors events offered by non-profit organizations, such as the CF Foundation and its Appleton Museum, which the Board considers will be of interest to our students.
(352) 239-8780
Senior Learners, Inc.
3001 S.W. College Road PMB No. 210
OCALA FL 34474-4415

IMPORTANT Please do not contact CF personnel about any Senior Learners, Inc. courses. Senior Learners, Inc. is independent of CF. We have the use of a classroom and support the CF Foundation with donations. If you have any questions about our courses or operations, please contact us:, (352) 239–8780.

Printed 9/13/24.